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Consultation services

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President of

Carol Hoenig Publishing Consultant, Inc.

Without a doubt, it is not easy getting attention for one’s book. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been published by a traditional publisher, a print-on-demand publisher, or doing everything on your own, getting those desired interviews and reviews is difficult. Sending out a press release and hoping for the best is not going to work.

Carol’s approach to publicity is fresh and creative. She works with authors of both fiction and nonfiction and doesn’t use a cookie-cutter approach. Each book is given the attention it deserves while Carol works closely with the author to help brainstorm.


When you hire Carol you can expect someone who:

  • Offers Reasonable Fees

  • Has Access To A Database of Thousands of Media Contacts

  • Creates a Publicity Campaign Tailored Just for You and Your Book

  • Sends Out Review Copies to Reviewers/Interviewers for Radio, TV, Magazine, Social Media Bloggers

  • Provides a Weekly Update

  • Works Closely With Every Author

Editorial services and publishing consulting

If you are in the writing phase of your manuscript and need some guidance, award-winning author, Carol Hoenig, is available to help you with editing, putting together a book proposal and agent query letters.  She is also available for consultation. Carol’s passion is evident and her fees are reasonable.

As a publishing consultant, Carol is available to help you with the following:

Manuscript critiques

Once you’ve taken your manuscript as far as you can, you may want feedback on pacing, structure and mechanics before you try to query agents or self-publish. As a seasoned editor and author, Carol could advise what is working and what isn’t and offer advice on how to improve your manuscript while respecting your vision.

Query Letters

 It’s true that you only get one shot when pitching an agent and will want to make sure your query email is professional, focused on what your book is about, who you are and why you are the one to write the book, whether it’s fiction or nonfiction. Carol can not only help with the query, but guide you to which agents are the ones to contact for your particular book.

Publicity and marketing

Having been in the publishing industry for over twenty years, Carol’s approach to publicity and marketing is fresh and creative. She works with authors of both fiction and nonfiction and does not use a cookie-cutter approach. Each book is given the attention it deserves while she works closely with the author to help brainstorm.

Book Proposals

For the nonfiction manuscript you may need to have a book proposal at the ready if an agent requests it once you’ve queried them. It is about 50-70 pages in length since it is to be detailed with the following: A working title. Overview, Bio, Audience, Competition, Special Marketing and Promotional Opportunities, Manuscript Specifications, Outline and Sample Chapters. Carol has helped numerous writers with their book proposals.


Before you bring your manuscript to an agent or publisher, it’s important to have it edited. Carol uses track changes, which you can accept or reject, to help improve the storyline and your focus. She can point out character development and plot points that work and what doesn’t. She can also plan out a publicity approach while your book is still being written.


Perhaps you have a story you think needs to be written but not the patience or experience on how to write it. Carol could be your possible answer to that dilemma.


“I am sooo lucky to have a pro like you. Thank you again for making it so easy and such a joy.”

Emmy-award winner, John Barbour, Producer “The American Media and the 2nd Assassination of President John F. Kennedy; “Your Mother’s Not a Virgin.”

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